Watch this extract of the interview with Jay Leno. Look at this link and add these topics to your blog:
What are the advantages for the president to be on this show
what are the downsides
How are these students using the media to get their points across; who is listening?
I think the advantages for Obama being on the show is that people get to see a more private side off him, and not only the serious part. When he enters he makes a joke, and people like him. He makes the audience laugh. It also makes different viewers watch him, and he can get more people involved in politics.
As the reporters are saying, we are in a new media age. People expect him to appear to the public. Personaly i feel like I get a better impression off Obama after watching the show.
The downside is that people may not take him as a serious person. With the economic crises that America is dealing with, people want a president who is serious and this show may make him look less presidential. While people are suffering he is "having fun".
In the third video we saw reportage about teenagers making a youtube video about how the financial crisis affects them. The video is touching and they want to make people know how serious this crise is. The video is watches by a lot of people and at last is even reached the president. He held a speech to Yvonne and her class and he told them. “I am listening”. “We are listening”. I think that this is a great approach from the student’s side. They used the media to get their points and they got a lot of attention. It is amazing how the world can connect over the internet, and us here in Norway can understand how the crises affect the people in the town.
1 kommentar:
I think you have some good points here. And you answer all my questions which is good too!
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