tirsdag 27. januar 2009

Welcome to Bærum

Hey there people!

I am going to show you the great little comminuty called Bærum.
First of all it's in the country Norway, just a coulpe of minutes drive from the Capital Oslo.

You may not have heard of Norway before, but if you have you probably know that it's famous for out beautiful nature. Norway has high mounains, big lakes, and fjords. It's a great place to be if you like outdoor sports like skiing, mountain biking, or hiking. Norway is often compared with Minnesota in the US.

In Bærum you can find mountains, and it boarders to the coast. Bærum is also known as a rich town, and alot of people use money like it grows on trees. But Bærum is also a grat place to grow up. The community provides great schools and outdoor fasiteties. There is also big shopping malls, and if you want more shops Oslo is just 20 minute away with car.

I have lived in Bærum in 5 years, and i love it!

tirsdag 20. januar 2009

There is a new president in town!

Today i watched the inaguration of Americas new president Barack Hussein Obama.

It was an incredible amount of people who showed up to greet the new president. All of Washingtons streets where full. People where mooved by the greatnes the country can acheeve, and espesially people who didnt believe that minority groups could make it to the top im America.

Aretha Franklin sang "My country tis of thee" before the president held his inaguration speech. The first one to say the oath, is the vise president elect, John Biden. This is not the first time she has sang infront of a president, in 1993 she sang to the earlier president Bill Clinton.

Alot of celeberties has taken the trip to Washington to watch this historical moment. One of them, Oprah Whinfrey, who is having a Obama speciall on her show.

New president in USA

January 20th president Barack Obama is going to give a speech, which is going to be watched by the whole world.

He is the 44th president in America, and each of the presidents has held their inagural speeches. This is the link to the 5 most memorable lines.

Before the speech is held, there is alot of preparations that has to be done. This year the security is also better than ever. Barack Obama has military planes, and boats ready within a radius of 3 kilometers from where he is. He also has a lot of life guards, and all the people working with him and around his has to be background checkes and sure that they can be trusted.

The president is also moving, and there is an article in "Aftenposten" where you can see pictures of the presidents things being moved, and also that he buys furniture on IKEA!

In the news papers you can also read about where he is helding his speech, and all the preparation work that has been done.