Today i watched the inaguration of Americas new president Barack Hussein Obama.
It was an incredible amount of people who showed up to greet the new president. All of Washingtons streets where full. People where mooved by the greatnes the country can acheeve, and espesially people who didnt believe that minority groups could make it to the top im America.
Aretha Franklin sang "My country tis of thee" before the president held his inaguration speech. The first one to say the oath, is the vise president elect, John Biden. This is not the first time she has sang infront of a president, in 1993 she sang to the earlier president Bill Clinton.
Alot of celeberties has taken the trip to Washington to watch this historical moment. One of them, Oprah Whinfrey, who is having a Obama speciall on her show.
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Flott innlegg Anette. Likte linken til sangen også!
So do you like Obama? A lot of people here don't like him because of race but I like him and we do need a change. It hurts me that people act the way they do but I guess some people are like that.
I like your "There is a new president in town!". I like our new president, do you? You know he made history that day.
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